Friday, September 14, 2007

Why Bizzler Should Never Head A Fake Organization!

Tonight we had an interesting conversation, well several, including one about whether or not Bizzler and her brother were adopted. This little post here goes to show that they are in fact biological brother and sister. I guess to understand why we doubted this in the first place you would need to understand that brother Bizzler is a bit, well, slow isn't the right word, so I will say, not so great with the talking. Bizzler is very smart and intelligent concerning almost anything that doesn't concern HP and as I learned tonight, location of letters in words.

Crutchurtle says:
I'll make a fake charity organization
Crutchurtle says:
and give you all the logo
Tiffers says:
Crutchurtle says:
and we put it on our envelopes
Tiffers says:
OMG that would crack me up
Bizzler says:
Bizzler says:
is brilliant
Bizzler says:
Crutchurtle says:
and your mom will be like "WHY do you get all this mail from Save the Sea Turtles???"
Nicmouse says:
*fucking dies*
Tiffers says:
OMG I was writing that Nicmouse!
Tiffers says:
Bizzler says:
ROFL I'm a part of the solution not the problem MOM!
Tiffers says:
Nicmouse says:
Crutchurtle says:
Just tell her you saw an MSN article about how they were poaching sea turtles so you signed up for the mailing list.
Nicmouse says:
and they are clearly a very active organization.
Scrib says:
Harpooning sea turtles!!!!
Tiffers says:
no harpooning!
Crutchurtle says:
I think I have a good alternative!
Crutchurtle says:
well I really doubt your parents will object to you raising awarness about a nearly extinct species of sealife.
Tiffers says:
lmao, no, most likely not
Crutchurtle says:
*goes to make an icon for the National Preservation of Sea Life Society
Tiffers says:
I did realize the other day when I was writing my notes, yeah, I don't write often enough, my hand started to fucking hurt
Crutchurtle says:
Crutchurtle says:
something with a good, HP like acronymn!
Bizzler says:
Crutchurtle says:
no, has to end in ST for sea turtles
Crutchurtle says:
got it!
Bizzler says:
Tiffers says:
Bizzler says:
Crutchurtle says:
Crutchurtle says:
Nicmouse says:
that doesn't END
Crutchurtle says:
Nicmouse says:
Bizzler says:
Tiffers says:
Crutchurtle says:
she is SO not adopted.
Nicmouse says:
all i come up with is MOST. which is boring.
Bizzler says:
Crutchurtle says:
PEST. Protect Endangered Sea Turtles
Nicmouse says:
Crutchurtle says:
also, that way we're pests.
Nicmouse says:
i like it
Tiffers says:
STEW < *dies all over again*

I don't think there are really anymore words for this entry, in fact I am still giggling over it! Way to go Bizzler, you make me proud!


Anonymous said...

*finds herself craving STEW* =P

Ann said...

You girls just made my day with this conversation. Thanks, Nic, for giving me the link.