Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Randomness...what else?

Because it's been mentioned recently that this has gone too long without an update. Plus, I'm bored.

Bizz says: I want brownies
Spifferdoodle says: I want smores
Bizz says: brownie smores!!!!!!!
Bizz says: Not sure what that is but it sounds good
Spifferdoodle says: LMAO
Bizz says: smornies
Bizz says: ROFL
Bizz says: Must market that

THE BIRTH OF SMORNIES! Legendary convo. And this next one was seriously how the conversation BEGAN. Right off the bat it was insane. I love how Crutchurtle just goes with it. This is why she's awesome. :D (C= Crutchurtle):

Scrib says: If Tim Gunn doesnt win every one of those damn Bravo awards I'm starting a riot. You with me? It will be more threatening if more than one person is involved.
C says: one-person riots are very rarely successful.
C says: what shall our two-person riot entail?
Scrib says: I haven't planned that out yet. I imagine lots of smashing of windows will be involved. And blowing things up. So we're gonna need to make some bombs.
C says: oh I'm out then. didn't you see on the news that some guy up near here blew himself and his house up accidentally?
C says: baaaaaaaad
Scrib says: Crutchurtle...this is for TIM. We're doing it for Tim. Risks need to be taken.
C says: I'm not blowing myself UP for Tim Gunn!!
C says: baaaanonos!
Scrib says: *sigh* Fine, I'll handle the bombs. Or maybe we can bribe someone else into doing it for us... *ponders* Someone we wouldnt mind getting blowed up on accident.
Scrib says: Ryan Seacrest?
C says: you can make the bombs and strap them to Seacrest, I'll hold the remote detonator that's disguised as a nintendo DS.
Scrib says: BRILLIANT! I'll tell him there's another job opportunity for him down the block and he'll go running down the streets. It's perfect.
C says: fantastic!
Scrib says: Take that Bravo. ^_^
C says: what do we do if Tim wins at least 50% though?
C says: blow up Seacrest for laughs? ^_^
Scrib says: Uhhh YEAH. I aint wasting all that good bombing material.
C says: yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!
Scrib says: (clearly I've gone mental)
C says: no more than normal
Scrib says: Really? That's reassuring.
C says: yep
Scrib says: So plotting against Bravo whilst simultaneously setting out to blow Ryan Seacrest to smithereens is normal for me. Awesome.

And because it's not a Scrib blog post without some mention of Jesus (these fittingly happened on Easter):

Nic says: work suuuuuuuuuuucks
Scrib says: Jesus sucks for not coming back on a Monday. <_<

C says: once my mom had a bit too much mescaline and thought Jesus was in the shower with her (it was Christmas morning) and she wished him a happy birthday and he said thank you and they talked about the state of mankind and whatnot.
Scrib says: ROFL

Scrib says: Jesus believes the children are our future.

Nic says: jesus is a BAMF

Spiff says: *knits Bizzy a book cover for her bible*
Spiff says: *and makes action figure Jesus some hot pants*
Scrib says: Oh he'll be SO happy!!
Spiff says: I'm glad my gift could bring you closer to our savior

Nic says: do you know what i told my mom i want for my birthday?
Nic says: easter candy. from the clearance aisle. it tastes just as good on monday as it did on saturday
Scrib says: Jesus died for that candy.

Aaaaand more totally random ones:

Nic says: evil. just like small children.

The Nun says: wtf is a death cab and why would anyone want to get into it?
C says: to be with cutie
Spiff says: death cab for cutie!
C says: duh
Spiff says: *rocks out*
The Nun says: i think im missing something here...
Scrib says: It's like Cash Cab except every time you get an answer wrong, you die

C says: Nic is lovely, she swears like a sailor on shore leave

Nic says: "I'm glad i do not have to be nice to you bitches."
Nic says: i think that about sums up our friendship, don't you?

Scrib says: You can suck it.
Nic says: I INVENTED SUCK IT!!!!!!!

The best part about that conversation was that Crutch made a t-shirt for it: http://i27.tinypic.com/2ch2dfr.jpg
