Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Randomness...what else?

Because it's been mentioned recently that this has gone too long without an update. Plus, I'm bored.

Bizz says: I want brownies
Spifferdoodle says: I want smores
Bizz says: brownie smores!!!!!!!
Bizz says: Not sure what that is but it sounds good
Spifferdoodle says: LMAO
Bizz says: smornies
Bizz says: ROFL
Bizz says: Must market that

THE BIRTH OF SMORNIES! Legendary convo. And this next one was seriously how the conversation BEGAN. Right off the bat it was insane. I love how Crutchurtle just goes with it. This is why she's awesome. :D (C= Crutchurtle):

Scrib says: If Tim Gunn doesnt win every one of those damn Bravo awards I'm starting a riot. You with me? It will be more threatening if more than one person is involved.
C says: one-person riots are very rarely successful.
C says: what shall our two-person riot entail?
Scrib says: I haven't planned that out yet. I imagine lots of smashing of windows will be involved. And blowing things up. So we're gonna need to make some bombs.
C says: oh I'm out then. didn't you see on the news that some guy up near here blew himself and his house up accidentally?
C says: baaaaaaaad
Scrib says: Crutchurtle...this is for TIM. We're doing it for Tim. Risks need to be taken.
C says: I'm not blowing myself UP for Tim Gunn!!
C says: baaaanonos!
Scrib says: *sigh* Fine, I'll handle the bombs. Or maybe we can bribe someone else into doing it for us... *ponders* Someone we wouldnt mind getting blowed up on accident.
Scrib says: Ryan Seacrest?
C says: you can make the bombs and strap them to Seacrest, I'll hold the remote detonator that's disguised as a nintendo DS.
Scrib says: BRILLIANT! I'll tell him there's another job opportunity for him down the block and he'll go running down the streets. It's perfect.
C says: fantastic!
Scrib says: Take that Bravo. ^_^
C says: what do we do if Tim wins at least 50% though?
C says: blow up Seacrest for laughs? ^_^
Scrib says: Uhhh YEAH. I aint wasting all that good bombing material.
C says: yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!
Scrib says: (clearly I've gone mental)
C says: no more than normal
Scrib says: Really? That's reassuring.
C says: yep
Scrib says: So plotting against Bravo whilst simultaneously setting out to blow Ryan Seacrest to smithereens is normal for me. Awesome.

And because it's not a Scrib blog post without some mention of Jesus (these fittingly happened on Easter):

Nic says: work suuuuuuuuuuucks
Scrib says: Jesus sucks for not coming back on a Monday. <_<

C says: once my mom had a bit too much mescaline and thought Jesus was in the shower with her (it was Christmas morning) and she wished him a happy birthday and he said thank you and they talked about the state of mankind and whatnot.
Scrib says: ROFL

Scrib says: Jesus believes the children are our future.

Nic says: jesus is a BAMF

Spiff says: *knits Bizzy a book cover for her bible*
Spiff says: *and makes action figure Jesus some hot pants*
Scrib says: Oh he'll be SO happy!!
Spiff says: I'm glad my gift could bring you closer to our savior

Nic says: do you know what i told my mom i want for my birthday?
Nic says: easter candy. from the clearance aisle. it tastes just as good on monday as it did on saturday
Scrib says: Jesus died for that candy.

Aaaaand more totally random ones:

Nic says: evil. just like small children.

The Nun says: wtf is a death cab and why would anyone want to get into it?
C says: to be with cutie
Spiff says: death cab for cutie!
C says: duh
Spiff says: *rocks out*
The Nun says: i think im missing something here...
Scrib says: It's like Cash Cab except every time you get an answer wrong, you die

C says: Nic is lovely, she swears like a sailor on shore leave

Nic says: "I'm glad i do not have to be nice to you bitches."
Nic says: i think that about sums up our friendship, don't you?

Scrib says: You can suck it.
Nic says: I INVENTED SUCK IT!!!!!!!

The best part about that conversation was that Crutch made a t-shirt for it: http://i27.tinypic.com/2ch2dfr.jpg


Sunday, July 13, 2008

References to Movies I Haven't Seen

Nic is totally taking over the world. Or at least the blogs, because here I am to share with you the conversation Bizz and I just had!

Nic says:
and i have a strange attraction to the word "wee" lately
Bizz says:
Because you're wee!
Bizz says:
Bizz says:
Wee Nic
Nic says:
Bizz says:
You are the Ewok to my Chewbacca
Bizz says:
Nic says:
one of these days i'm going to type something odd in (this is the part where I interrupted what I was typing to react)
Nic says:
Nic says:
Nic says:
Bizz says:
Nic says:

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


For the sake of my (remaining) sanity, Crutchurtle will be abbreviated to the letter C. And now I give you pure, uncensored epicness.

C says:
do you know what I totally have an unreasonable, inexplicable craving for right now?
C says:
Snickers ice cream bars.
Bizz says:
C says:
I could eat like, three.
Bizz says:
Those are so fucking good
Bizz says:
I havent had one in YEARS
C says:
I haven't either.
C says:
but this snickers ice cream from the local place has been sticking with me.
C says:
and now I crave the idea of it.
C says:
in any form.
Bizz says:
Bizz says:
damn it
C says:
I know.
C says:
now you want one too.
C says:
and we've yet to perfect our passing shit through our monitors technology even for brownies.
Bizz says:
Yeah what the hell
C says:
I can't imagine ice cream would fare any better
Bizz says:
It's gotta work one of these times
C says:
yeah, but should it fail, ice cream... you know.... actually causes DAMAGE to my computer.
Bizz says:
fucking A, where is that damn teleport already?? What year is it? Shouldn't we have one of those by now?
C says:
2008. we SO should. maybe by 2010
Bizz says:
We better.
Bizz says:
I bet Stephen Hawking totally already has one in his garage.
C says:
so how many years would those have to be in existence for you to agree they're safe enough to travel by?
C says:
because I mean, you know people thought automobiles and airplanes were death traps for ages.
C says:
and this is actually transporting your molecules and junk.
C says:
not just something you're traveling IN
Bizz says:
um...I basically just need to see a trial run
Bizz says:
And if the dude doesnt come out all inverted or something then I'm good to go
C says:
but what if the dude doesn't, but someone else somewhere does??
C says:
do you stop using it?
Bizz says:
Well first I'd have to make sure there werent any flies in there with me. I do NOT want that happening.
C says:
or spiders.
Bizz says:
Bizz says:
I would just kill myself
C says:
da na na na na na na na SPIDER GIRLLLLL!
Bizz says:
C says:
(you knew that was the batman theme, yes? ^_^)
Bizz says:
C says:
C says:
we're equally retarded!!!! XD
Bizz says:
It reminded me of when Peter did it and crawled on the clothesline
C says:
C says:
not. sexy.
Bizz says:
No. rofl
Bizz says:
So wait, someone somewhere else would get inverted? How does that make sense?
C says:
not related.
Bizz says:
You're clearly misinformed when it comes to teleport mechanics.
C says:
I mean, like, okay, you saw a succesful airplane flight.
C says:
C says:
but there HAVE been plane crashes.
Bizz says:
Bizz says:
Well what if there's only one teleport machine
C says:
that sucks balls. what's the point in only one teleport machine?
Bizz says:
And it works totally fine the first time when I force someone else to go before me.
C says:
you can't even get ANYWHERE if there's only one.
Bizz says:
Well it'll be MINE
Bizz says:
Bizz says:
Well then you have the other one
C says:
you have to go from one machine to the other, don't you?
C says:
whoah whoah whoah
C says:
I don't want a teleport machine
Bizz says:
C says:
what if some dudes from the future come through it and kill me?!?!
Bizz says:
How will we send awesome shit to each other?
Bizz says:
Pfffff, if anyone comes to visit you from the future it'll be me
C says:
okay, I'll have one that's like, the size of a microwave.
C says:
Bizz says:
And I'll tell you not to get on the plane or something
C says:
Bizz says:
C says:
Bizz says:
Bizz says:
I'll be like Marty McFly
Bizz says:
Or the Professor dude
C says:
or the Iranian motherfuckers with machine guns....
Bizz says:
Bizz says:
You want a pansy teleport machine
C says:
one that can't fit KILLERS through it!!!
Bizz says:
Okay, well what if a killer house cat decided to come back? HMMMM???
Bizz says:
What then
Bizz says:
You're screwed that's what
Bizz says:
So you might as well just get a big one
Bizz says:
/teleport logic
C says:
you think Nic's going to breed those?
Bizz says:
besides I'm totally gonna want to come back from the future to hang with you
C says:
in like, 2050 or something?
C says:
and send one back to kill me?
Bizz says:
I sense an awesome movie idea forming
C says:
where's Karl?
Bizz says:
KARL! He needs to be in on this, seriously
Bizz says:
We'll get Clive Warren
C says:
to play the HOUSECAT?! :P there's no WAY he'll fit in a microwave.
Bizz says:
C says:
I think I just outed myself as more insane than you with that one, didn't I?
Bizz says:
He'll be the sexy renegade government agent who got fired for being a badass and now has to earn back the respect of his colleagues.
Bizz says:
And I will play the love interest
C says:
Bizz says:
C says:
what the hell do I do then?
C says:
get killed by a cat?
C says:
this movie is LAME
Bizz says:
This movie is AWESOME
Bizz says:
It'll be called TIME CATS!

And that is how a perfectly normal conversation turns into one that is batshit insane. Seriously though, that would be an awesome movie.

Monday, February 11, 2008

One Liners and Other Inappropriate Crap

I am feeling nice tonight and so that you will all be amused for a few weeks I have compiled a nice list of various one-liners and other amusing little tidbits for your enjoyment. I have probably taken most of these out of context, it is more amusing that way. Complain and I will beat you with a stiletto heel - you have been warned.

Tiffers says:
I bought myself a chocolate bar in the shape of a man
Bizzler says:
Nicmouse says:
Bizzler says:
I bought pickles. Which is almost the same thing.

Crutchturtle says:
it's like when you convince kids to smoke crack for the first time, you have to let them know how awesome it will be

Tiffers says:
I would rather have a girl than a boy
Nicmouse says:
me too
Bizzler says:
I'd rather have a baby dinosaur

Bizzler says:
I want a dinosaur and I want to name him....
Bizzler says:
Oh man, Billy and Jesus could be friends

Crutchturtle says:
Here comesNairelbircs, here comes Nairelbircs, Hide your eyes in fear! She's gotthe toys for the girls and boys Who've been oh so bad this year! Lumpsof coal, here comes the Mole With canons she will fight So jump in bedand cover your head 'Cause Nairelbircs comes tonight!

Tiffers says:
We wish youwere feeling better;
We wish you weren't hacking up lungs;
We wish you weren't loaded up on cough syrup and we miss our Bizzy.
Healing thoughts we bring to you and your burning throat;
Hopeful thoughts that someday my diseased wifey will return.
Oh, bring us back a crazy Bizzy;
Oh, bring us our sarcastic Scribbles;
Oh, bring us a healthy Raina and leave the dirty tissues at home.
We won't go until we get her;
We won't go until she's well;
We won't go until her flu is gone,
so bring us our Bizzlebutt:
We wish you were feeling better;
We wish you weren't contagious;
We wish you weren't so sick and playing with us!

Nicmouse says:
so what does he give her?
Bizzler says:
Tiffers says:
Nimouse says:
nice reentrance.
Bizzler says:
Came back just in time

(Two seconds later)

Crutchurtle says:
you're trying to impress her? with the diamonds?
Nicmouse says:
Bizzler says:
Get her two tickets to the gun show
Nicmouse says:
Just get her a good present
Bizzler says:
ROFL*is done now*
Nicmouse says:
bizz, your suggesting privileges are revoked.

Tiffers says:
Aw! The girl who ain't got no legs is finally walking again - good for her!

Bizzler says:
You know what else is the gift that keeps on giving?
Bizzler says:

Bizzler says:
Okay,so I was in the kitchen with my brother and he was leaving to go to a party and he stopped to try and fix his jacket zipper so I took alemon off the counter and slipped it into his jacket pocket. He TOTALLY didnt notice and he drove away with it like that. ROFL He's gonna get to his party and put his hand in there, pull out the lemonand look like a nutcase.
Tiffers says:
you are such a dork

Bizzler says:
Drink water
Bizzler says:
That's the advice that works with almost every ailment
Bizzler says:
*has no idea if it will help*
Tiffers says:
Tiffers says:
did that help with your herpes?
Bizzler says:
No, but oddly enough your crabs medication did. I found it in our medicine cabinet. XD

Tiffers says:
you'll have to iron out those details yourself
Bizzler says:
Ironing out the parachute is a BITCH I'll tell you that much.
Bizzler says:
ROFL I seriously dont understand why you guys talk to me.

Bizzy says:
BUT I've never crashed into anything. Or gotten a ticket.
Bizzy says:
*just jinxed herself*
Bizzy says:
My brother has gotten more than he can count
Bizzy says:
So like, 5
Tiffers says:
Tiffers says:
Bizzler says:
Ahhh, I crack myself up

Tiffers says:
I want to throw an orange at someone's head, just to see if it breaks openand squirts orange juice at everyone

The Nun says:
(Bizz, explosive diarrhea wasn't enough at 10 vials abou, you had to add the measles at 12?! Mara just had brain fever, Irested for one day and she's all better! Nic: a snake bite, threevials. Suck it up, sleeze bag!)

I will post some more later on this week when I am feeling less tired - don't you worry - there is always lots of crazy comments to repeat.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Need Proof of Bizzler's Age - Here It Is!

It has been forever since I posted - I know, I have been a bad girl. *is spanked* So I'll start with this and try and find some good stuff later on to post. For reference - we were watching Kate and Leopold on You Tube.

Bizzler says:
That would be so cool to do that. Go back in time and just wander around.
Miss Spifferdoodle says:
Miss Spifferdoodle says:
until you had to use the loo
Crutchurtle says:
only if you could come back though
Bizzler says:
Well yeah
Crutchurtle says:
I was just thinking, until you wanted a hot shower
Miss Spifferdoodle says:
we worry about the important stuff
Bizzler says:
They didnt know what they were missing
Crutchurtle says:
no one can wear white pants like him. *sigh*
Nicmouse says:
Nicmouse says:
Crutchurtle says:
Crutchurtle says:
would you like to watch Kate & Leopold with us, or go to bed on time?
Bizzler says:
He's climbing the erection!
Crutchurtle says:
Crutchurtle says:
okay, YOU'RE 12, not 13
Nicmouse says:
i'ma go to bed
Bizzler says:
Er...we're not watching porn
Nicmouse says:
i know you aren't
Nicmouse says:
kinky girls

We do love our movie nights.